He seemed excited to be out in the big city and wanted the night to be perfect and I appeared to be a part of it. I had been drinking at the bar visiting some people that work there and enjoying a rather nice Friends & Family discount. A guy, the bachelor being honored, sat beside me and asked if his friend could buy me a drink. I explained I was sort of already drinking for free, but if his friend wanted to till come over and order me one that would be fine. He asked how I was drinking for free and wondered if I was dating the bartender. So he walked away and I waited for his friend to come over and suddenly got really nervous. I have terrible luck and hoped this all wouldn't end so badly.
He turned out to be really nice, even with the Emo bangs and guy--liner. Usually a deal breaker, but he was just so earnest that I had to overlook it.
And so my night turned out to be more of an adventure than I had planned and got to see the city lights with a boy, once again. It seems such a canned seduction, they think its so unique and impressive. Yet, they don't realize how many times its been done before. I guess its the person you're with though that matters and not the view or even the reaction to the view, I find it hard to feign amazement at this point. He was nice though and he had a great way about himself that I like a lot. Even though he had a whole persona that he had presented, once we were in conversation it was as if all of that had just been a costume and he may only be that thing to an extent. I just really hope he isn't actually Emo.
The only hard part about all this is that he's such a nice guy. I wasn't expecting this to lead anywhere beyond one night, but it would have been nice to be able to see him again. I mean he doesn't even have a girlfriend.
I have a lot of doubt right now. I don't expect to see any changes and I have to be okay with this. There's still fun to be had and stories to tell so I might as well enjoy it, even with the doubt.
One good thing I have to look forward to is a friend coming back to town. She's pretty amazing and I've missed her a lot since she's been living so far away. So, it'll be nice to have her around.